Friday, April 20, 2012

20 Questions

Well, 21. I may come up with more, but here is a start.

1. Why are there statues with no names or other point of reference?
2. Why are the graves/family plots so far away from each other?
3. Were bodies moved here from other cemeteries after the Spring Grove was built?
4. Why are there monuments to those that don’t appear to be buried here?
5. Why are mausoleums locked?
6. Why build a large monument/mausoleum and not put a name on it?
7. What is the purpose of giving the dead a “view”?
8. Why are there large, elaborate monuments coupled with plain headstones?
9. Does the order people are buried in have any significance?
10. Why are some buried in a circle?
11. Where did the idea for mausoleums and under-the-earth burials come from?
12. Why not have separate burial/park sections?
13. Why do people build statues/monuments to themselves?
14. What is the purpose of the different sections of the cemetery?
15. Why are there no flowers or vases for flowers?
16. What is the purpose of ivy on the ground? Does the shape of the ivy have any significance?
17. How much does it cost to build a mausoleum or monument? To be buried here?
18. What does a “perpetual care” cement circle mean?
19. Why do cemeteries have a “bad” reputation?
20. Why is there a gate around the cemetery?
21. Where did we get the idea of ghosts/zombies/vampires and other “undead” creatures?


  1. The fence and gate are because there are so many people "dying" to get in ...LOL

    1. LOL, You seriously just made me shoot coffee out of my nose...
